Do you believe in good luck?
Some people seem to have all the luck, while others struggle to catch a break.
If you would like to start attracting good luck into your life, using affirmations is a great way to do it!
In this blog post, we will discuss 45 affirmations for attracting good luck.
These affirmations can be used by anyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
Affirmations are a great way to change your mindset and attract positive things into your life.
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What are affirmations, and how can they help attract good luck?
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to change your mindset and attract positive things into your life.
They can be used to help with any area of your life, including health, relationships, career, and finances.
When it comes to attracting good luck, affirmations can be a powerful tool because they help you focus on the positive things that you want to attract into your life.
Whether you realize it or not, you are attracting things into your life all the time.
The problem is that most of us are focused on the negative things, such as what we don’t want, instead of what we want.
Affirmations help change your focus and attract positive things into your life so you can start seeing more good luck come your way.
45 affirmations for attracting good luck
1. I am open to attracting good luck into my life.
2. I am surrounded by positive energy that attracts good luck.
3. Good things are always coming my way.
4. I am grateful for all the good luck I have in my life.
5. I easily attract good luck into my life.
6. I always make the most of the good luck that comes my way.
7. I am a magnet for good luck.
8. Attracting good luck is easy for me.
9. I enjoy having good luck in my life.
10. I love luck, and luck loves me.
11. Today, I feel lucky.
12. I am lucky in all aspects of my life.
13. I am full of good luck.
14. My life is filled with good luck.
15. I allow good luck to come into my life easily.
16. Good things always happen to me.
17. I attract only good things into my life.
18. I trust the universe to attract luck into my life.
19. I deserve to be lucky.
20. Luck is my friend.
21. I am open to receiving good luck in all areas of my life.
22. I know that good luck is on its way to me.
23. I am grateful for all the good luck that has come my way.
24. I enjoy having good luck in my life.
25. I am a very lucky person.
26. All of the good luck in the world is attracted to me.
27. I am always in the right place at the right time.
28. I am confident that good luck will come into my life.
29. I open myself up to receiving luck.
30. I share luck with everyone around me.
31. I am easily able to attract good luck into my life.
32. The more I focus on attracting good luck, the more good luck comes my way.
33. I was born to have good luck in my life.
34. I am worthy of all the good luck that comes my way.
35. My thoughts are focused on attracting luck.
36. I am always open to new opportunities that bring good luck.
37. I am surrounded by good luck in every area of my life.
38. I am a naturally lucky person.
39. I focus on luck every day.
40. I am open to all the good luck that the universe has to offer.
41. I have a lot of good luck in my life.
42. I enjoy being lucky.
43. I attract good luck into my life through positive thinking.
44. The power of good luck surrounds me.
45. I always make the most of my good luck.
How to attract good luck with affirmations
If you want to start attracting more good luck into your life, here are a few tips for using affirmations effectively:
1. Choose the right affirmations
Not all affirmations will work for everyone. You need to find affirmations that resonate with you and make you feel good.
2. Say them with feeling
Affirmations need to be said with conviction and emotion to be effective.
Say them out loud and really focus on how you feel as you say them.
3. Repeat them often
The more you say your affirmations, the more they will start to sink into your subconscious and help you attract good luck into your life.
4. Visualize the good luck coming your way
Visualization is a powerful tool for attracting things into your life.
When you say your affirmations, try to visualize what you want to attract into your life.
This will help you focus on the positive and increase the power of your affirmations.
If you want to learn more about using affirmations, click here to read our article on 5 ways to use affirmations.
Final thoughts
Affirmations are a powerful way to help you attract good luck into your life.
If you want to start seeing more good luck comes your way, try using some of the affirmations listed above.
Remember to focus on how you feel as you say them and repeat them often.
Visualize the good luck coming your way and enjoy the positive results!