There’s a lot of talk about soul mates out there.
Some people believe in them and swear by their existence, while others view them as nothing more than a spiritual trend.
So, what’s the truth?
Well, we put the question to a psychologist, a spiritual teacher, and a relationship expert to get their take on the matter.
Their answers may surprise you!
What is a soul mate, exactly?
A soul mate is someone with whom you have a deep and spiritual connection.
This person understands you on a level that nobody else does, and they can help you grow in ways that nobody else can.
There are many different kinds of soul connections, so soul mates are not always romantic partners; they can be platonic friends, family members, or even animals.
What matters is that this connection goes beyond the superficial and transcends time and space.
A soul mate is someone who knows you better than you know yourself and loves you unconditionally.
Do soul mates exist?
There are many stories about soul mates, but do they really exist?
In my opinion, I do believe that soul mates do exist.
I think a soul mate is someone who is meant to be in your life, whether or not you ever meet them in this lifetime.
I’m confident in saying that because I believe we all have one.
From personal experience, I can tell you that meeting and connecting with my soul mate has been the most profound and staggeringly beautiful experience of my life.
It feels like coming home after being lost in a storm – finally safe, understood, and loved unconditionally.
I think part of the confusion around whether or not soul mates exist comes from our misunderstanding of what they are.
Many people seem to think that a soulmate is some unattainably perfect person who will make us happy and fulfilled.
But that’s not really what a soulmate is.
A soulmate is someone who challenges us to grow and who pushes us to be better people.
No one is perfect, and a soulmate will not be either.
But that’s just my opinion and take on the question!
We put the question to a psychologist, a spiritual teacher, and a relationship expert to get their take.
According to psychologists, soul mates don’t exist
Licensed clinical psychologist Supriya Blair doesn’t think that soul mates exist because nothing about our lives is set in stone.
“Soul mates, or the way contemporary society alludes to “the one,” do not exist. As humans, we are given free will to choose. We are not assigned or fated a mate as that would defy source/creator imparting free will on to us,” she told us.
Spiritual teachers, on the other hand, think they do
Davida Rappaport is a psychic and spiritual counselor with over 40 years of experience. She believes that we do have soul mates.
“Yes, soul mates do exist. There are all types of soul mates – people who come from the same soul matrix. When you meet someone from the same matrix, you may feel as though you have known them all of your life when in fact, you haven’t known them that long. These people are known as soul connections,” Rappaport told us.
The number of people who end up finding their soul mate is very low, which may be why so many people don’t believe in the idea.
“Many people live their lives looking for the one – their soul mate, the person who is destined for them. Unfortunately, very few people find and end up living happily ever after with a person who really is a soul mate. When I say happily ever after, I mean they work on their relationship, have common interests and goals – just like normal people do,” Davida told us.
Although Davida Rappaport believes that soul mates exist, she also wants you to be wary of the idea.
“If you are with a soul mate who does not want to grow and evolve or work on your relationship, why would you want to stay with them? Because they are your soul mate? In my learned opinion, this is not a healthy idea.”
“I have had encountered so many people who thought they found their soul mate and were ready to end a perfectly healthy relationship or marriage because someone came along and told them they were soul mates, or they were told they were going to meet their soul mate. I have also encountered people who met their soul mates, or so they said, and they were scammed out of money.”
Davida’s advice “is to tell someone to be smart, open, and use discernment when looking for a partner. If they find a soul mate that is compatible and wants to do the work, they are truly fortunate.”
So, what do relationship experts have to say?
Licensed marriage and family therapist Chris Rabanera says that he does believe that soul mates exist, but both people still have to put effort into the relationship.
“Soul mates do exist. I define soul mates as a relationship between two people who have a powerful connection. Each person has multiple soul mates, as I do not believe each person only has one. Soul mates also do not need to be sexual in nature.
Though soul mates do have a powerful connection with one another, each person has to put forth the energy to have a harmonious relationship.”
Not every soul mate connection is rainbows and butterflies, according to Chris.
“The relationship is often smooth sailing, but there are still rocky moments. Soul mates do not have a perfect relationship as some romanticize – no one does.”
What makes a soul mate relationship different from any other is that both partners are committed to putting in the work to make things work.
They understand that a relationship takes effort, time, and energy, and they are always willing to find a way to make things work no matter what.
So, do soul mates exist?
It depends on who you ask.
According to psychologists, they don’t – but spiritual experts and some relationship counselors believe they do.
If you’re looking for a soul mate, just be mindful of the idea that it takes work to make any relationship last – even if you are supposedly compatible.
How can you tell if you’ve found your soul mate?
If you’ve found someone who makes you feel like your best self, who challenges you to be better, and who you are completely yourself around, you may have found your soul mate.
When you meet your soulmate, you’ll feel a sense of familiarity, like you’ve known them before.
You’ll feel an instant connection and comfortability with them that you just don’t find with anyone else.
If you’re wondering if you’ve found your soulmate, ask yourself these questions:
- Do I feel comfortable being myself around this person?
- Does this person make me feel at ease?
- Do I feel a deep spiritual connection with this person?
- Does this person support my ambitions and dreams?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you may have found your soulmate.
Of course, soulmate relationships still need work, and things won’t be smooth sailing all the time – but if you’re both willing to put in the effort, you may have found your forever person.
If you don’t believe in soul mates, is there another way to find love that will last forever?
Just because you don’t believe in soul mates doesn’t mean you can’t find love that lasts forever.
The key is finding someone you are compatible with, who shares your values, and who is willing to work with you to make the relationship last.
When you find someone like that, then you can have a love that lasts a lifetime.
Always be clear about the type of person you want to be with and what you want out of a relationship.
You can attract your ideal person into your life by using manifestation techniques and the law of attraction.
If you’re both on the same page, it can help create a lasting bond.
Another key to a lasting relationship is effective communication.
You and your partner should be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other about your needs, wants, and feelings.
If you can do that, then you’re well on your way to finding a love that will last forever.
Final thoughts
So, do soul mates exist?
It depends on who you ask and what you believe.
If you’re looking for a soul mate, just be mindful of the idea that it takes work to make any relationship last – even if you are supposedly compatible.
And always be clear with yourself about the type of person you want to be with and what you want out of a relationship.
If you can do that, then you’re well on your way to finding a love that will last forever.