Sometimes, the universe likes to throw curveballs our way to try and test us – whether through financial setbacks or relationship troubles. If this resonates with you, don’t panic!
Let’s explore four signs that the universe may be testing you and how to navigate through these trying times.
Things to Know:
- Unexpected changes in life are not random events but signs that the universe is testing your reactions, calmness, and adaptability to new situations. ✓
- If you’re facing a roadblock, it could be the universe testing your resilience. ✓
- The universe often tests your patience. Delays are a common universal test, assessing your willingness to wait for what you want. ✓
Why Does the Universe Test Us?
I used to wonder why “why does the universe keep testing me?” feeling like the universe enjoyed throwing challenges my way. It felt like being back in school, but the tests were life lessons instead of algebra (thankfully).
The truth is the universe tests us out of care. It seeks to determine our willingness to strive for our goals. These tests are opportunities for growth and personal development, not failures or signs of something wrong.
The universe is rooting for your success, even if it’s not immediately apparent. In the grand scheme of things, these tests affirm that the universe is on your side.
For a comprehensive exploration of the universe’s subtle messages, check out our article on 11 Common Signs from the Universe + What They Could Mean.
4 Signs That the Universe Is Testing You
1. Sudden unexpected change
Life can sometimes throw unexpected changes your way. These aren’t random events but potential signs that the universe is testing you. It’s assessing your reactions, your ability to remain calm, and your adaptability to new situations.
While initially challenging, these changes often lead to better outcomes. When faced with sudden shifts, ask yourself:
- Will this change move me toward my goals?
- Is this change going to help me grow as a person?
Trust that the universe is guiding you toward what’s best for you.
2. A roadblock
Ever felt like you’ve hit a brick wall? Me too. But I’ve learned to see these roadblocks as the universe’s way of saying, ‘Show me what you’ve got!
During these times, it might feel like everything’s going wrong like you’ve hit rock bottom. However, this could be the universe testing your resilience. It’s checking if you’ll crumble under pressure or push harder to succeed.
Roadblocks are like a test of stress management and adversity handling. They might seem negative as they obscure your progress, but they’re actually positive. They exist for a reason. Passing this test means growth. You’ll acquire new skills and become stronger. Remember, sometimes, you need to face a tough situation to truly appreciate the good things in life.
3. Patience is being tested
The universe often tests your patience. You may desire immediate results, but delays are a common universal test. This test is about your willingness to wait for what you want or whether you’ll surrender due to slow progress.
Waiting can be the toughest test. You may feel like quitting, but remember, every moment of patience brings you closer to your goal. Persisting with patience will lead to rewards. The more challenging the test, the greater the rewards. So, don’t give up!
4. You feel unworthy
Feeling undeserving of what you want? This is the universe testing your self-confidence. It’s checking if you truly believe you’re worthy of your desires. If you don’t, success may elude you.
This test, though challenging, is a blessing in disguise. It’s the universe’s way of helping you shed limiting beliefs about yourself. Once you overcome these feelings, nothing can hinder your personal growth and development.
There were times in the past when I felt like I was the universe’s least favorite person. But those moments of self-doubt were just the universe’s way of pushing me to discover my true worth. I don’t view this as a failure anymore, and neither should you! Instead, see it as an opportunity to conquer your fears. By emerging from this test with increased confidence, achieving your goals becomes easier.
When frequent challenges arise, it can signal the universe correcting your course, as explored in this piece on recognizing misalignment through adversity.
How do you know if the universe is telling you something?
You can tell the universe is telling you something by these signs:
- Synchronistic messages.
- Numbers and patterns.
- Dreams.
- Intuition.
When you start noticing these signs and messages, take note of what’s happening around you. Are your feelings, thoughts, and imaginations lining up with each other? If so, the universe is trying to send you a message.
Why should I believe signs from the universe?
You should believe signs from the universe because the universe knows what’s best for you.
The universe always has your back and wants what’s best for you. So when you notice synchronicities, messages, and signs, it’s the universe trying to help you out.
If something is important to you, then the universe will test you until you get it. It may be difficult at first, but everything happens for a reason. The more effort and dedication that goes into these tests, the better results you’ll get in return.
What if I miss a sign from the universe?
You shouldn’t worry about missing signs because there are countless messages coming your way at all times of the day and night.
The universe will continue sending signs until you get the message. So, even if you miss one, it’s not a big deal because there are plenty more to come!
Does the universe test you before your manifestation?
Yes, the universe will test you before your manifestations to see if you’re willing to have what you want or if you’ll give up when times get tough. These tests before manifestation are often designed to challenge your resolve and commitment.
When you manifest your desires, you’re bringing them to reality, so you must pass these tests with flying colors. These tests might come in various forms such as unexpected obstacles, delays, or even moments of self-doubt. However, they are all part of the process to ensure that you are truly ready for what you’re asking for. The universe will reward you when you pass these tests with resilience and unwavering faith!
Final Thoughts
It’s not uncommon for the universe to throw obstacles in our way, but these are signs of encouragement. The universe is trying to see how you handle stress and adversity; if you can pass this test, it will make you stronger than ever before.
These signs are your way of knowing that the universe has your back and wants you to succeed. That being said, you shouldn’t give up no matter how difficult times get.
Life wouldn’t be as rewarding if everything were easy, so keep pushing forward while believing in yourself because good things are on the other side!