Getting up early in the morning is tough. It’s even tougher when you don’t know what to do once you’re awake. That’s why we’ve created this blog post – it will give you a list of things that adults should do every morning and make your life easier!
Why do you need to have a morning routine checklist?
A morning routine checklist helps you to stay consistent with your daily tasks.
You can use a morning routine checklist for adults that includes getting up, brushing teeth and taking a shower.
Morning routines help us maintain our balance in life because they are the first thing we do every day of our lives. They provide some sense of order and stability – even when work schedules get hectic.
By creating a checklist, you will feel a sense of accomplishment every time you tick a task off your list. It will also motivate you to tackle the next task on your list.
It’s important that we have a morning routine checklist because mornings are hectic as everybody is getting ready for work or school. So by having one written out can help with feeling like everything in your life is planned out.
What should my morning routine be?
Morning routines will vary from person to person, depending on their day.
Some people prefer to take the time in the morning for a long, hot shower or workout before they do anything else, while others would rather have breakfast first and then go straight into work without any distractions.
There are many different options you can choose from, such as taking your vitamins, checking off an accomplishment list of small tasks. Hence, it feels like you accomplished something already today, reading blogs that motivate you or just spending time in nature.
The important thing is finding what works best for YOU! You know yourself better than anyone, so find a routine that will set your mind up for success each morning.
Below is my recommendation of what you should do when embarking on a morning routine.
The Best Morning Routine Checklist for Adults:
1. Plan your morning the night before
Not many people know about this productivity hack. When you plan your morning the night before, it’s a lot easier to motivate yourself in the morning. And knowing what’s coming up makes everything so much more bearable and less stressful.
Simple tasks like putting your clothes out and planning your meals for the day ahead means you can focus on the important things in life – like getting a good night’s sleep.
It also helps set up your environment for success, so you’ll be more likely to do what needs doing when morning comes along.
Doing these little tasks before heading off to sleep will make waking up much easier and make mornings feel less hectic and stressful overall.
2. Set an alarm
Humans thrive best when they have a routine. That’s why it’s so important for your alarm to be set on time.
Keeping what time you wake up consistent means that your body will get used to this pattern and be able to prepare for the day ahead. This can help you wake up feeling refreshed, energized and ready to tackle the day in front of you.
Waking up to an alarm isn’t just for kids; it’s something adults should include in their morning routine.
3. Make your bed
Making your bed is a small task that can have big rewards.
It helps set the tone for the day ahead and will make you feel accomplished before starting it. Plus, studies show people who start their morning with this new habit are more productive throughout the day than those who don’t – so why not give it a try?
Like brushing teeth in the morning or taking a shower at night, making one’s bed has been shown to improve sleep quality and mood through these simple tasks of orderliness.
So take ten seconds out of your busy schedule to make your bed as soon as you get out of it. This is a task you need to include on your morning routine checklist.
4. Drink some water
Possibly one of the most important tasks on your morning routine checklist should be staying hydrated. Your body will be dehydrated after going for hours without drinking anything due to sleep.
Drinking water is essential if you’re waking up early. Your body undergoes many major changes overnight, so it needs extra hydration to get back on track. Drinking water also helps with your digestion and clears out any fatty acids that can make their way into your system from fast food or junk foods eaten during the night.
Drinking some water before starting your morning routine will help you start off feeling refreshed and energised for what’s ahead!
5. Brush your teeth
This is probably the most important step on your morning routine checklist. Personal hygiene isn’t something that should be ignored. It’s important to brush your teeth every morning before you start the day.
Brushing your teeth twice a day is good for oral health and can help prevent cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, plaque buildup and more.
The last thing you want to do is go out to work or school without brushing your teeth.
A shower or bath is a great way to wake up in the morning. This will help you feel refreshed and ready for what’s ahead of your day.
If you’re anything like me, I love mornings when I can take a relaxing shower before heading out to work or school so that I’m not rushing around at all hours of the morning trying to get ready.
Taking care of your personal hygiene is important, so make sure you make time in your morning routine for this.
6. Take a shower or bath
A shower or bath is a great way to wake up in the morning. This will help you feel refreshed and ready for what’s ahead of your day.
If you’re anything like me, I love mornings when I can take a relaxing shower before heading out to work or school so that I’m not rushing around at all hours of the morning trying to get ready.
Taking care of your personal hygiene is important, so make sure you make time in your morning routine for this.
7. Move your body
Adding exercise into your morning routine means you’re allowing yourself to start your day with a burst of energy.
You don’t have to do a full-body workout; even some light stretches will help loosen your muscles and joints.
Your heart will also start pumping more blood which can help you to feel less groggy during the day.
It may be tempting to hit snooze, but it’s worth sacrificing a few extra minutes of sleep for something that might actually make you happier and healthier in the long run!
8. Get dressed
Whether you are going out or just staying in the house, it’s important to get properly dressed.
We all love having a pyjama day, but not getting dressed every day can hurt your mental health.
Getting dressed can help to make you feel more like yourself and boost your mood.
It also helps when you’re going out for the day to have a fresh outfit rather than looking exhausted in what is essentially pyjamas.
Once again, it’s not about what everyone else thinks of how you look on any given day; it’s about taking care of YOU!
9. Eat breakfast
Far too many people skip over eating breakfast, but I’m here today to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Eating breakfast will help to keep your energy levels up and give you the mental clarity needed to perform well during work.
Breakfast can be anything from a healthy smoothie, oatmeal or eggs on toast – just make sure it contains carbs!
If you’re short on time in the morning, then try preparing some breakfast items at night so that all you have to do is heat them up when you wake up.
10. Use positive affirmations
It’s easy to get down on yourself, but it doesn’t help you in any way.
The key is to stay positive and refocus your energy by using positive affirmations every morning before starting work or going to school.
This can be as simple as telling yourself, “I am doing a great job” or writing one sentence about what you are thankful for. This will give your brain something happy to focus on during those moments when you’re feeling low and stop negative thoughts from creeping into your head.
You should also try changing up what affirmation you use so that there are no patterns – this will keep them fresh!
11. Limit social media time
Your morning routine should be productive, so it’s important to limit distractions. One way to do this is by setting a time limit for social media.
It’s easy to get sucked into checking Twitter or Facebook for hours on end, but this will eat up your time without benefitting you. Instead, set a time limit for yourself and stick to it!
Set the timer on your phone, put up an app notification or make sure you stay away from social media during the first hour to two of waking up. You’ll be more productive and get things done quicker in the long run if you do this!
What should yodu never start your day with?
Never start with negativity because this will set the tone for your day. If you start with a bad attitude, it’s hard to shake and there is no way that good things are going to happen after this point!
Instead, you should try starting your morning routine off by thinking about what makes you happy or grateful in life. Make sure these thoughts fill up as much of your mind space as possible so that negativity has less chance of seeping through.
How do I energise myself in the morning?
One way that you can energise yourself in the morning is to focus on what you love. Make a list of everything that makes you happy, and then when your feeling down or tired during the day take out this list to remind yourself about all these things! It will help get rid of any negativity as well as make for happier thoughts which are more productive.
You could also try listening to some music before getting up because it’s been proven that people feel like they have more energy after doing so! You’ll be able to get going with a lot less resistance if you listen whilst still lying in bed for five minutes before sitting up and starting your day.
Will having a morning routine checklist help me become successful?
A morning routine checklist will not guarantee success, but it can help you get started on the right foot.
If your goals are specific and attainable, then a morning routine is an excellent way to make sure you’re staying true to them every day.
Will having a morning routine help me become more productive?
A morning routine will make you more productive, but it won’t happen overnight.
If your goal is to become a morning person, then focus on waking up earlier and sticking to your new schedule every day no matter what!
It can take time to change your bad habits, but the payoff is worth it.
How can I wake up earlier?
You can’t force yourself to wake up earlier; the most you’ll achieve is setting an alarm for a time that’s not realistic.
Instead, focus on going to bed at least one hour before your usual sleep schedule and letting your body get used to waking up early.
The more times you repeat this process, the easier it will be in the future!
So make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night to fully recover from the day before.
Having a morning routine is a powerful way to set the tone of your day. If you have difficulty waking up or feel like you’re not getting enough done in your mornings, try implementing some of these tried-and-true strategies for a better start to your days!