The term “twin flames” is often used to describe two people’s intense, spiritual connection.
However, when most people think about twin flames, they think about them being in a relationship just like soul mates.
Some people say that twin flames could never be friends because their connection is too strong.
So, can twin flames just be friends? Or do they have to be in a relationship?
What is a twin flame?
A twin flame is a person with who you have an intense soul connection, both emotionally and physically.
They could be friends, lovers, or anyone you have connected with strongly and who shares a special bond.
When you first meet your twin flame, you may feel as though you’ve known each other for a long time; almost like you have met each other before.
This is because you have!
Twin flames often reincarnate together across many lifetimes, so they are soul friends or family members you have known in the past.
Twin flames are there to assist us in our spiritual development, so they might appear in your life to help you with this.
Can twin flames be friends?
Yes, twin flames can be friends.
Most people think that two twin flames have to be in a romantic relationship with each other, but this isn’t the case.
Twin flames can be friends, lovers, or anyone you have connected with strongly and who shares a special bond.
The relationship between twin flames has many forms, and it is unique for everyone.
Can a twin flame be your best friend?
Yes, a twin flame can be your best friend.
You may have no romantic interest in them yet still feel bonded with them on a soul level.
Being best friends with your twin flame is amazing because you share an intense connection with them. This means they will understand you like no one else can.
In some cases, a twin flame will be your friend first and then become your lover because your connection is strong, but this doesn’t always happen.
You can’t predict how your twin flame connection will manifest, but you know when the spark is there.
Can twin flames be friends with benefits?
Yes, twin flames can be friends with benefits.
You and your twin flame have a deep spiritual connection, which will affect your physical connection.
You will experience an intense attraction to each other because you share a deep soul connection.
This can be very confusing, especially if you are not used to connecting with someone in this way, but it’s a positive thing.
You can learn much about yourself through your bond with your twin flame.
What happens when your twin flames are just friends?
When your twin flames are just friends, they will often feel like family to you.
Having your twin flame in your life as your friend means that you can support each other through life’s many challenges.
You will feel as if you have known them for a lifetime, and they will understand you more than anyone else.
You can be friends with your twin flame without romantic feelings, or you may fall in love with them somewhere along the way.
It is difficult to predict how your relationship will develop, and there is no right or wrong way to do it.
When two twin flames are just friends, you will click very quickly and have a lot in common with each other.
You may feel as though you have known each other forever, and this is because you essentially have – you have reincarnated together many times.
A twin flame can be your best friend, lover, a partner in crime – anything you wish them to be.
Twin flame friendships are amazing connections that many people dream of having with someone.
There is no better friendship than one with your twin flame, so cherish it!
Final thoughts
Twin flames can be friends, and they don’t have to be romantically involved with each other.
Having a friendship with your twin flame is a beautiful thing.
You can connect on many levels and come together as soul friends, family members, and life partners.
Keep an open mind when it comes to your twin flame and how their relationship with you manifests.
It may not be what you expect.