Having a twin flame relationship can be amazing.
It’s a relationship that is deep, intense, spiritual, and has spanned over many lifetimes.
Having a twin flame can change your life, teach you lessons and bring lots of growth.
But what about when it doesn’t turn out that way?
Can twin flames be toxic?
What is a twin flame?
A twin flame is a deep, spiritual connection between two twin souls that was brought into this world to help both people heal and grow.
It is thought that both twin flames share the same soul, in two separate bodies, and have been together before in different lifetimes.
Twin flame relationships can come in the form of physical relationships, friendships, and collegial relationships.
When twin flames first meet, many people describe it as a deep and loving connection that is unlike anything they’ve ever felt.
What is a toxic relationship?
A toxic relationship is a relationship that is harmful or damaging, especially to a person’s emotional well-being.
Those in toxic relationships may try to justify their behavior or may be unaware that they are being mistreated or abused.
There is usually a power play, with one person having control over the other, but this isn’t always the case because both people in the relationship can manipulate one another.
Toxic relationships can be short-term or long-term, but they often begin quickly.
Can twin flames be toxic?
Yes, twin flames can be toxic.
Every relationship can be toxic – whether it’s between friends, lovers, and in this case, twin flames.
The connection that is established between two twin flames is not common; it’s a very complex connection because it’s a connection of spirit and soul throughout many lifetimes.
It’s a connection that has been forged in love and mostly in struggle because twin flames tend to be together to learn the lessons of this world.
But, if the connection is not grounded in truth and love – it can turn into something toxic.
How to fix your twin flame relationship
1. Be open with each other
Don’t listen to the voice inside your head that says:
“I don’t want to know what he/she thinks because I’m afraid of what I might learn about myself” – this is your ego talking.
Be open, tell the truth and motivate each other to be more honest with yourselves.
Twin flames should be each other’s best friend – the one person that knows you better than anybody else.
If you’re afraid to share your deepest thoughts and feelings with your twin flame, then this is a sign that you’re not ready to forge a long-lasting connection truly.
2. Give each other space
Twin flames often love each other more intensely than other relationships.
This is often the reason why two twins can’t stand to be apart for too long.
They like to spend every moment together, but this will only lead to suffocation.
Space is also necessary for you both to grow as individuals.
Don’t be afraid of spending time apart and developing individual interests.
Doing so will benefit your connection in the long run because time apart makes the heart grow fonder.
3. Communicate and talk to each other
Talking is what leads to intimacy.
However, most people don’t know how to communicate with each other; they get frustrated when speaking with their loved ones because they don’t get a response.
Don’t let your connection become toxic by neglecting to talk with each other.
You and your twin flame might be close, but you can’t expect your twin flame to read your mind.
Don’t ignore your twin flame, and don’t run away from an argument.
Keep the communication lines open and talk about important issues that you’re both facing with each other.
4. Remember why you are together
If you’re feeling like your relationship with your twin flame is turning into something toxic – remember why you two are together.
Your relationship is not about instant gratification or personal gain.
You’re together because you both have the same life lessons to learn – that is why it is so easy for your connection to grow deeper.
Remember the struggles you’ve been through and renew your commitment to each other.
Realize that you’re together for a purpose and not because of some romantic notion.
Final thoughts
Just like every relationship, twin flames can be toxic.
It’s important to recognize the signs to avoid being sucked in the toxicity.
Do your best to communicate, give each other space and remember why you’re together.
The two of you are destined to be together, but if the relationship is toxic, then that is something you both need to work on.