Do you ever feel tired or drained during a full moon? You are not the only one, apparently. You could have a full moon hangover, a condition prevalent in the days following, during, and after a full moon. So, what is a full moon hangover, and who do you handle it? You may also like: …
Spiritual awakening is no easy task. It takes dedication, patience, and perseverance to live a spiritual life. But many gurus try to sell you the idea that spiritual breakthrough is easy. They tell you to just “follow your heart,” and enlightenment will happen effortlessly. This is false. Spiritual awakening is hard work. Spiritual awakening can …
Going through a spiritual awakening can be exciting, but it can also be difficult to deal with the changes it brings. For some people, it may seem that they have awakened to who they really are or their purpose in life. For others, they may feel that there is still more to discover about themselves …
These days, spirituality is becoming more of a trend. With yoga studios popping up on every other corner and more people becoming interested in Buddhism, it seems as if everyone is practicing a sort of spirituality. While this is a good thing, I often wonder if being spiritual has really helped anyone. Is it really …
With the colder months approaching, it’s important to keep your lips moist and protected. Lip balm is a great way to do this. But if you don’t use your lip balm all the time, then you might be wondering if it expires. We asked skincare expert and dermatologist Ally Wheeler to get her take on the matter. …
We all want smooth skin, but many of us are stuck wondering what the best way to exfoliate is. One concern about exfoliation has always been whether or not it’s good to use a washcloth to scrub your skin when you are in the shower or bath. You might wonder if using a washcloth will …
There’s nothing like getting in a hot bath, throwing in a bath bomb, and relaxing after a long day. But it can be frustrating when you run a bath and find a bath bomb that’s been sitting in the back of your cupboard for god knows how long. At this point, you may be wondering, …