There’s nothing like getting in a hot bath, throwing in a bath bomb, and relaxing after a long day.
But it can be frustrating when you run a bath and find a bath bomb that’s been sitting in the back of your cupboard for god knows how long.
At this point, you may be wondering, “do bath bombs expire?”
With so many different brands on the market, it’s easy to get confused.
We asked dermatologist Ally Wheeler for her opinion on whether bath bombs expire.
Do bath bombs expire?
Bath bombs do expire.
Depending on their ingredients, they usually take around 6 months to expire and can sometimes be used after their expiration date.
Most bath bombs contain essential oils that can become rancid, so it’s best to not use any bath bomb more than a year after its expiration date – just to be on the safe side.
Dermatologist Ally Wheeler said, “when essential oils expire and become rancid, they can irritate some people. This is because the oils tend to oxidize, and the oxidation products can cause allergic reactions.”
It’s best to be safe than sorry and throw away any bath bomb over a year old.
How long do bath bombs last?
Most bath bombs usually last around 6 months to 1 year after their expiration date.
However, it depends on their ingredients, how well they’ve been stored, and if they’ve been exposed to water or humidity.
For your bath bombs to last as long as possible, it’s important to store them out of the bathroom where they won’t be exposed to humidity or water.
How do you store bath bombs?
It’s a good idea to store your bath bombs in a cool, dry place – away from humidity and water.
Most people store their bath bombs in the bathroom, but this isn’t a good idea because of the humidity and water in the room. The bathroom is one of the worst places to store them because there’s so much moisture there, even if the bath bombs are in their packaging.
If you can, keep your bath bombs in the packaging they came in. That way, they will stay fresh longer.
You can also store them in a mason jar that’s sealed tight, which is a great idea considering some bath bombs come without any packaging.
Whether packaged or unpackaged, it’s always best to store your bath bombs in a cool, dry place.
Do bath bombs grow mold?
Bath bombs can grow mold if they contain ingredients such as oatmeal, butter, milk, peel, or flower petals.
They may also grow mold if they are exposed to water, mold spores, and even oxygen.
Dermatologist Ally Wheeler recommends storing bath bombs outside of a moist bathroom environment.
She says, “store them in a dry, dark place away from heat and humidity. The pantry or a cupboard would be fine.”
She also warned that mold could grow quickly, so you should throw bath bombs away immediately if you notice any mold or discoloration.
Can you use expired bath bombs?
You can use expired bath bombs, depending on how far past their expiration date they are.
As a general rule of thumb, don’t use bath bombs that are over a year old. If they have been stored in a damp and humid place, you probably don’t want to use them if they are 6 months past their expiration date.
Dermatologist Ally Wheeler says, “if your bath bombs smell rancid, have mold growing on them, or have gone a faded color, then don’t use them. If you do, you run the risk of irritation or an allergic reaction.”
How do you know if a bath bomb has expired?
You can tell a bath bomb has expired if it smells rancid, is discolored, or has mold growing on it.
1. Mold
If a bath bomb has mold growing on it, then it’s definitely past its expiry date.
Mold usually grows on bath bombs containing oatmeal, butter, milk, peel, or flower petals.
Mold can also grow on bath bombs that have been exposed to water, mold spores, and even oxygen.
Avoid using bath bombs that have mold on them.
2. Discoloration
Bath bombs usually fade in color or change their shade over time.
The more faded the bath bomb is, the more past its expiry date it probably is.
Bath bombs that have gone a faded color should not be used.
3. No fizz
Old bath bombs usually lose their fizz because their ingredients, such as citric acid and baking soda, become less and less effervescent over time.
If the bath bomb doesn’t have much fizz in it, then it’s probably best not to use it because it won’t work as well.
4. Smell
Bath bombs may smell rancid or have a “chemical” smell if they are past their expiration date.
If it smells off, then don’t use it because you will risk irritating your skin.
Final thoughts
Bath bombs do expire, and it’s best to be safe than sorry.
Always throw away any bath bomb over a year old to avoid irritation or an allergic reaction.
If your bath bombs show any sign of mold, discoloration, loss of fizz, or smell off, then throw them away and use a new one.
Storing your bath bombs in a cool and dry place will also help them to last longer.
Thanks for reading!