Do you have a specific person who you want to attract into your life?
Whether for a romantic relationship, a business partnership, or simply a friendship, you can use the manifestation to bring them into your reality.
You just have to know how to do it correctly.
The good news is that it’s not as difficult as you think.
In this article, I’ll share 6 steps on how to manifest a specific person into your life.
Key takeaways:
- To manifest a specific person, you must be in vibrational alignment with what you desire.
- Your intentions should always be pure and for the greater good.
- Make sure you are clear about what you want and stay positive throughout the process.
Does manifesting a specific person work?
First things first, you’re probably wondering if it’s even possible to manifest a specific person.
The answer is yes!
It is possible to manifest a specific person into your life, but it’s important to understand how manifestation works before you try to do it.
Manifestation is all about aligning your energy with what you want to attract.
Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will all play a role in manifesting your desires.
So, if you’re trying to manifest a specific person, your energy must be focused on bringing that person into your life.
I also want to make it clear that although manifesting a specific person has the potential to work, the person you want to attract must be ready and willing to be in a relationship with you.
If they’re not, no matter how much you want them, they won’t come into your life.
Keep this in mind as you read the following steps on manifesting a specific person into your life.
Is it bad to manifest a specific person?
In general, it’s not bad to manifest a specific person as long as your intention is pure.
You should make sure you’re not trying to control or manipulate the person in any way.
For example, if you want to manifest a specific person because you’re genuinely interested in them and want to get to know them better, then that’s probably fine.
However, if you’re only manifesting a specific person because you want to use them for something or take advantage of them somehow, then that’s probably not such a good idea.
There are, however, some pros and cons that come along with manifesting a specific person that you should be aware of.
What are the pros?
One of the great things about manifesting a specific person is that you can get exactly what you’re looking for in a relationship or friendship.
If you have a clear image of the person you want in your life, which is a key ingredient in manifestation, then it’s more likely that you’ll be able to attract them into your life.
You can easily visualize this person because you know exactly what you’re looking for, what they look like, and what their personality is like.
Another pro is that if you’re manifesting a specific person, you likely have a strong connection with them already.
There’s usually some kind of connection that you share, whether it’s through a mutual interest, hobby, or belief.
When you have a strong connection with someone, it’s much easier to manifest them into your life because your energy is already aligned with theirs.
What are the cons?
Although there are some great things about manifesting a specific person, there are also some potential downsides that you should be aware of.
One of the big cons is that you could attract someone who’s not compatible with you.
Even if you have a clear image of the person you want in your life, it’s still possible to attract someone who’s not really a good match for you.
This is because, as human beings, we’re complex creatures with many different facets to our personalities.
It’s impossible to perfectly control who we attract, even if we have a clear image of the person we want in our lives.
Another downside to manifesting a specific person is that it could end up backfiring on you.
If your intention is not pure, or if you’re trying to control or manipulate the person somehow, then the universe may reflect that back to you.
You could attract someone manipulative or controlling in return, which is obviously not what you want.
How to manifest a specific person
Manifesting a specific person can bring so much happiness into your life.
You will finally have that person in your life, and you can do all the things you always dreamed of doing together.
But, that can only happen when you actually know how to use manifestation correctly.
Below are the 6 steps that you need to follow.
1. Be clear about who you want to manifest
The first step in manifesting a specific person is to be clear about who you want to attract.
Whether you realize it or not, you are always manifesting things into your life through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
So, aligning your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with your desires is essential to creating the reality you want.
Being clear about the type of person you want to manifest will help you attract them into your life.
To help yourself get a clearer picture, you can ask yourself questions such as:
- What qualities do I want them to have?
- Do I want them as a friend or something more?
- What do they look like?
- What are their goals?
Once you’re confident that you have a clear image of who you want to manifest, then move on to step 2.
2. Know why you want them in your life
Too often, people want to manifest things into their lives without knowing why they want to manifest them.
Knowing exactly why you’re manifesting a specific person will help you understand if it’s the right choice.
You can end up attracting something you don’t really want because you didn’t take the time to define your real desires.
You should always root your manifestations in positive emotions like love, happiness, or peace of mind.
If you want to manifest them into your life because of negative emotions like bitterness, jealousy, doubt, or despair, you should reconsider your decision.
If you want them into your life to fill a void or emptiness inside of you, then that’s not the right reason either.
Think about the type of feelings you would need to feel for this person to enter your life and what purpose they would serve.
3. Visualise them in your life
Once you have a clear idea of who you want to manifest and why it’s time to visualize them in your life.
Visualization is a very powerful manifestation technique because it allows you to see your desires as if they are already in your reality.
It helps you to focus on the positive, understand that your desires are coming into your reality now or soon, and gives you an emotional connection to your desires.
The best way to visualize it is to sit quietly where you’re not going to be disturbed and close your eyes.
In your mind, imagine this specific person in all detail.
What do they look like?
What do they sound like?
See their facial features, imagine how they would stand and carry themselves, hear them laugh, hear their voice.
The more detail you can imagine, the better.
Next, see yourself walking up to them, talking to them, and you both getting to know each other or reconnecting with them.
Imagine how it feels to be in their presence.
What emotions do you feel when you talk to them?
Are you nervous?
Do you feel happy?
Now, picture this person in your life, whether they’re a friend, a lover, a family member, or something else.
See yourself hanging out together, having fun, and living the life you want to live.
Each time you visualize, add more detail and more emotion.
You can do this as much as you want throughout the day, and it should only take around 30 minutes.
4. Use scripting
Another powerful manifestation technique is scripting.
Scripting is when you write down and describe your life as though you have already manifested what you want.
Not many people realize this, but you can script in the past tense, as well as the presence.
Here are two examples of what you may write if you were scripting in the past tense and the present tense.
Past tense: “I can’t believe that me and Jamie have been together for 4 years. He’s everything I ever wanted – brown hair, athletic, and so kind”.
Presence tense: “I’m so happy that I’ve found the perfect partner. He’s exactly the type of person who I’ve always wanted to meet. He’s brown-haired, athletic, and kind”.
Do you see the difference?
For this technique to work, you have to imagine that you’ve already manifested your desires.
In other words, you can’t just sit there and say that you want a specific person to be in your life.
You have to imagine that they’re already there and describe what it feels like to have them physically there.
If you do this correctly, you’ll feel a strong connection to your desires.
5. Let go of self-limiting beliefs
You can’t let your negative beliefs get in the way of manifesting your desires.
Self-limiting beliefs are thoughts that you have about yourself, your abilities, or the world around you.
They may be something like “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not worthy,” or “I don’t deserve to have what I desire.”
These beliefs are all false, and manifesting your desires will be almost impossible if you subscribe to these beliefs.
You have to let go of any negative thoughts about yourself, the world, or your abilities.
Start by writing down all of the things you believe are limiting you from having what you want.
Once you’ve done this, it’s time to turn them into positive affirmations.
Positive affirmations are sentences that you say to yourself over and over again, out loud or in your head.
They should make you feel empowered and positive.
A few examples of positive affirmations that you can use to manifest a specific person into your life are:
- “I am deserving of love.”
- “I can attract the type of person I want by being confident.”
- “The right person for me is out there, and I’m going to find them.”
Write your affirmations down on a piece of paper, and carry them around with you at all times.
Repeat your affirmations to yourself often, especially when you feel your self-limiting beliefs popping up.
6. Trust the universe
You have to trust the universe when you’re manifesting your desires.
It will be difficult for your desires to come true if you don’t because you’ll keep trying to force them into reality.
The universe always knows what’s best for you, so you have to believe that whatever happens is for the best.
Trust that everything that happens to you serves a purpose, and try not to expect the outcome.
If you expect things to go one way, yet they go another, you’ll feel disappointed.
Instead of expecting things to happen, just let them unfold naturally.
If you can do this, you’ll have a very good chance at manifesting your desires.
Manifesting a specific person not working? Here’s what to do
You’ve tried all of the manifestation techniques, but you’re still not seeing results.
Maybe you’ve even started to doubt whether or not it’s possible to manifest a specific person.
If this is the case, don’t worry.
You can do a few things to increase your chances of success if you’ve hit a roadblock:
1. Check your vibration
If you want to manifest a specific person, your vibration must align with your desire.
That means feeling good about yourself, having positive beliefs about relationships, and being open to love.
If you’re not vibrating at that level, it will be difficult (if not impossible) to attract the person you want.
So the first step is to check in with yourself and see how you’re really feeling.
If there are any areas where you’re doubtful or negative, work on shifting those beliefs.
Once you align your vibration, manifestation will flow much more easily.
2. Make sure you’re being clear
Vague desires won’t manifest anything.
The universe is very literal, so you must be clear about your desire.
This means being specific about the person you want to manifest.
The more specific you can be, the better.
For example, if you want to manifest a specific person, you should have a clear image in your mind of that person.
In addition, you should know what kind of relationship you want with this person.
Do you want to be friends? Lovers? Business partners?
The more specific you are, and the better your mental image is, the easier it will be to manifest your desire.
3. Dont let negative thoughts take over
When you’re manifesting anything, it’s important to stay positive.
That means not letting any negative thoughts or feelings take over.
If you find yourself doubting whether or not you can manifest a specific person, simply let those thoughts go and focus on what you want.
You can also use positive affirmations to counter any negative thoughts.
4. Accept that some things aren’t meant to be
Now I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it’s important to try and accept that some things aren’t meant to be.
If you’ve been trying to manifest a specific person for a while now and it’s just not happening, it might be because it’s not meant to be.
It’s possible that this person isn’t good for you or that the universe has something else in store for you.
The universe always knows what’s best, so even if something you want doesn’t happen, trust that there’s a good reason for it.
How long does it take to manifest a specific person?
I wish there were a specific time frame I could give you for how long it takes to manifest a specific person, but unfortunately, there is no one size fits all answer.
It depends on several factors, such as your vibration, how clear you are about what you want, and whether or not the universe thinks it’s a good match for you.
For some people, it may take a few days or weeks to manifest someone specific, while for others, it could take months or even years.
Like everything else in the universe, the law of attraction works in its own time and pace.
In general, the better you more confident you feel, and the more specific you are, the faster your manifestation will come to fruition.
My best advice would be just to relax and trust that it will happen in perfect divine timing.
Trying to force things to happen only causes unnecessary stress and frustration.
Instead, focus on living your best life and let the universe do its thing.
Everything always works out for the best in the end!
Final thoughts
Manifesting your desires is not difficult, but it does take time.
You have to believe that everything happens for a reason, trust the universe and make sure you use all six of these techniques.
There’s no way to fail at manifesting the things you want into your life when you do this.
That’s all for how to manifest a specific person into your life, but you may be wondering “can I manifest someone to miss me?”
The answer is, absolutely!
Check out our full how-to guide on how to manifest someone miss you for more tips and advice.