The full moon brings with it an energy that can be harnessed to assist our manifestation process.
No, I’m not talking about putting a hex on someone, but using the lunar energy to our benefit.
You can use the full moon energy to attract what you want into your life – a new job, a happier relationship, more money, better self-confidence.
So, how do you use the energy of the full moon to manifest what you want?
How to manifest on a full moon
1. Cleanse your space
Before you start your manifestation ritual, it’s important to cleanse your living space to help get rid of any negative energy.
Throw out any clutter, clean your house, and eliminate any items that no longer serve you.
Get some sage or incense and burn it in each room of your house to create a positive atmosphere. Sage will help clear any stagnant, negative energy and create a fresh atmosphere in your home.
As you’re cleaning your living space, you must get the positive intention into your mind that you want to attract more positive energy into your life.
You should imagine a white light surrounding you, flowing into every area of your home.
See yourself surrounded by a bubble of pure white light that blocks out any negative energy and replaces it with positive light.
2. Center yourself
Once your living space is ready, it’s time to center yourself and get in the right frame of mind.
Get yourself into a meditative state by lighting some incense and doing breathing exercises for a few minutes.
Align yourself with the space around you and imagine that your entire body is glowing.
Focus all of the energy around you into yourself and allow it to flow through your body as the energy of the universe fills you.
Feel yourself become one with the earth and the sky for a few minutes as your body becomes energized and charged with positive energy.
3. Write down what you want to manifest
Once your living space is clean and you’re in a state of meditation, it’s time to write down what it is that you want to manifest.
On a piece of paper, write down what you want to attract into your life.
It’s important that you get detailed about what you want because the more detailed you are, the better your chances of manifesting it!
An example of not giving the universe a clear goal would be: “I you want to attract more money into my life.”
Asking for more money is too vague because you don’t know how much or when to receive it.
You need to be more specific, like: “By the end of 2021, I will have an extra $1,000 a month.”
This is more specific and allows the universe to work its magic.
Once you’ve written down what it is that you want to manifest, read it out loud.
Each word that you read should be infused with positive energy, so focus on the words you’re saying rather than just reading them out of habit.
By reading your goal with positive intention, you let the universe know exactly what you want and are priming yourself for success.
4. Let go of any negativity
Negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions all block the manifestation of your goals.
That means that if you’re feeling jealous, insecure, or cynical about your goals, you will not be able to achieve them.
You need to feel positive about your desire and honestly believe that you will receive it.
To help flood your mind with positivity, you can use positive affirmations.
Positive affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself, so they become imprinted in your subconscious.
Repeating them until they sink into your mind is a great way to get rid of any negativity that you’re feeling.
You can repeat affirmations such as:
- I am deserving of success.
- I will receive my desire.
- I am attracting positive energy into my life.
- I trust the universe to provide me with what I need.
Even if it’s tough to do at first, you need to push your negative thoughts out of your mind and replace them with positive ones.
Remember that you are in charge of the thoughts that come into your head, not anyone else.
Check out our article on full moon affirmations.
5. Repeat your desire in the moonlight
During a full moon, the moon has heightened energy that is beneficial to manifestation.
Manifesting at a full moon can help amplify your desires and attract what you want even quicker than normal.
To take advantage of this energy, you should say your desire aloud and repeat it in the moonlight.
Saying your desire out loud in the moonlight will mean the universe hears you and grants your wish.
6. Visualize your desire
Visualization is an important part of the manifestation process.
It’s a way for you to see your desire manifesting in your life and allows you to feel how it will be once you have achieved your goal.
It’s something that takes some work and concentration but is a necessary step for success.
Close your eyes and imagine what it will feel like to receive your goal.
See yourself achieving your dream and immerse yourself in the emotions you’ll feel once you have it.
See the positive emotions you will feel when your goal has been achieved and remember them because they are a driving force to help you achieve your goal.
Add as much detail to your visualization as possible. What does it look like? What time of day is it? Can you smell or taste anything different?
The more detail you can add to your visualization, the more powerful your results will be.
7. Trust the universe to deliver
There are no limitations in the universe when it comes to what you can manifest.
The best way to ensure that your goal is achieved is to trust that it will happen.
You need to believe that the universe has your back and that it will deliver what you want into your life.
Trust that what you want will come, don’t worry about how or when just believe it.
Final thoughts
The full moon is the best time to manifest your desires because of the heightened positive energy.
By knowing what you want, infusing it with positive emotion, letting go of negativity, and visualizing your goal as if it were already achieved, you can have anything you want in life.
Just believe in the universe, and it will give you what you want.