If you’re like me, sometimes you find yourself in a difficult situation and don’t know what to do.
You may feel like you’re at your wit’s end or that you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.
In moments like this, it can be helpful to remember the spiritual principle of surrender.
Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up or admitting defeat; rather, it means opening yourself to divine guidance and allowing the universe to work through you.
When you surrender, you become receptive to new insights and solutions that might not have been available to you before.
Here are seven steps to help you surrender spiritually and find peace in any situation.
What does it mean to surrender spiritually?
The practice of surrendering can take many different forms, but it essentially means letting go of attachments and ego-driven desires to connect with a higher power or truth.
This might be God, the universe, or a divine higher power that you believe in.
When you surrender, you let go of your own will and allow yourself to be guided by a force that is greater than you.
This can be liberating and empowering, as it allows you to release your grip on the ego and live more fully in the present moment.
Ultimately, the goal of spiritual surrender is to become more open, authentic, and present in each moment.
Stages of the surrendering journey
The spiritual surrendering journey takes us deep within ourselves.
It is a process of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing our true nature.
This journey doesn’t happen overnight, and there are different stages that we go through as we surrender.
Here are the different stages of the surrendering journey:
1. Acknowledgment
Every journey begins with a single step, and the journey to spiritual surrendering is no different.
The first stage of this journey is acknowledgment.
This is when you become aware of your need for a higher power in your life.
You may have hit rock bottom, or you may simply be tired of struggling on your own.
Whatever the case may be, this is when you realize that you need guidance, and that’s okay.
2. Resistance
The second stage of the journey is resistance.
At this point, you may be scared or unsure about surrendering.
You may worry that you will lose control or that you won’t be able to handle what comes next.
All of these fears are normal, and it’s okay to feel them.
The key is not to let your fears stop you from moving forward.
3. Exploration
Once you’ve overcome your resistance, it’s time to explore what surrendering means to you.
Everyone has a different idea of what it means to surrender, so you must take the time to figure out what it means to you.
This is a time of seeking and understanding, asking questions, and delving deep.
You may feel called to explore different spiritual paths, read about various belief systems, or speak with a mentor or teacher.
It is important to remember that there is no single right way to do this, so trust your intuition and follow your heart.
4. Surrendering
The fourth stage is surrendering itself.
This is when you finally let go of your ego’s grip and allow yourself to be guided by a higher power.
This can be a scary and vulnerable experience, but it is also incredibly freeing.
You may feel a sense of peace, love, and joy that you never knew was possible.
Surrender VS non-attachment: what’s the difference?
In the face of challenge or adversity, it can be difficult to know how to respond.
Should we fight tooth and nail to hold onto what we have or let go and allow things to take their course?
On the surface, these two approaches may appear to be opposing forces.
However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that they are actually two sides of the same coin.
At its core, non-attachment is about letting go of the attachment to outcomes.
It is about accepting that life is always changing and that nothing stays the same forever.
When we de-attach, we release our grip on how things should be and instead flow with whatever comes our way.
This doesn’t mean that we don’t care about what happens; it simply means that we trust that whatever does happen is for the best.
Surrender, on the other hand, is about giving up the fight.
It is about admitting that we are not in control and that there is a higher power at work.
When we surrender, we let go of our need to control the situation and instead allow ourselves to be guided.
This doesn’t mean that we give up our power; it simply means that we trust that the universe has a plan for us.
The key difference between these two approaches is that non-attachment is about releasing our attachment to outcomes, while surrender is about giving up the fight and realizing that we are not in control.
The power of surrendering
When we let go of our need to control everything, we open ourselves up to a world of possibility.
We become more flexible and adaptable, rolling with the punches and going with the flow.
We also become more receptive to guidance from our higher power, allowing us to receive the help we need.
Surrendering can be scary, but it is also incredibly liberating.
It is a way of saying “yes” to life, even when we don’t know what will happen next.
If you are struggling with something in your life and are unsure what to do next, consider surrendering.
It may just be the most powerful thing that you ever do.
How to surrender spirituality in 7 steps
1. Have faith
To surrender your spirituality, the first thing you need is faith.
Faith that there is something larger than yourself at work in the world; faith that this something is good and is working for your highest good.
This step is the belief in something without evidence and is a leap of hope into the unknown.
But once you have this faith, it becomes easier to let go of your need to control everything.
2. Have patience
Surrendering spirituality can feel like a daunting task, but it is important to remember that progress is a journey, not a destination.
It is important to have patience with yourself as you move forward on your path.
There will be setbacks along the way, but each step forward is helping to bring you closer to your goal.
So trust in the process, and be patient with yourself as you surrender your spirituality.
The journey may not be easy, but it will be worth it.
3. Step into fear
When we are afraid of something, it can be tempting to run away from it.
But to surrender spirituality, you will need to face your fears head-on.
Fear can teach us about our own limitations and help us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. It can also be a powerful motivator, pushing us to move beyond our comfort zones and grow in new ways.
So instead of running from fear, embrace it; step into it and see what it has to teach you.
You will become stronger and more capable of handling whatever life throws your way by facing your fears.
4. Get rid of expectations
The path to spirituality is full of surprises.
Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, something comes along to challenge your beliefs.
That’s why it’s important to let go of expectations and open yourself up to new experiences.
After all, the only way to truly surrender yourself spirituality is to be open to change.
By getting rid of expectations, you can allow yourself to be surprised and amazed by the world around you.
5. Expand your awareness
To truly surrender your spirituality, you must first expand your awareness.
Only by looking at the world around you with new eyes can you hope to see the beauty and mystery that exists beyond the physical realm.
There are many ways to expand your awareness, but meditation, mindfulness, and prayer are some of the most effective.
As you explore different techniques, you may find that certain practices resonate more deeply with you than others.
The important thing is to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things.
With a little effort, you will find that your spiritual horizons begin to expand, making it possible to surrender fully to your spirituality.
6. Tune into your intuition
As your awareness expands, you will notice a voice inside of you that is always there but that you may have been ignoring until now.
This is your intuition, trying to guide you toward your highest good.
To surrender spirituality, you must learn to listen to your intuition and trust that it knows what is best for you.
When making decisions, take some time to quiet your mind and listen for the guidance of your intuition.
You may find that it leads you in unexpected but ultimately rewarding directions.
7. Let go of all attachments
The spiritual path is one of release.
We start by releasing our attachments to the material world and our ego-based desires.
But even after we’ve let go of those things, we may still find ourselves attached to certain spiritual ideals or practices.
Maybe we’re attached to the idea of enlightenment or a particular meditation practice.
Or perhaps we’re attached to the sense of peace and calm that comes with spiritual insights.
Whatever we’re attached to, the key is to let go of that attachment.
Because as long as we’re attached to something, we’re not truly free.
True freedom comes when we can let go of everything, even our attachment to spirituality itself.
Final thoughts
Surrendering spirituality can be a difficult but ultimately rewarding journey.
By following the steps outlined above, you can begin to let go of your attachment to the material world and open yourself to new spiritual experiences.
And as you do, you will find that your life becomes more peaceful, joyful, and fulfilling.
I wish you all the best on your journey to spiritual surrender.