We all have masculine and feminine energy within us.
Ying and yang, masculine and feminine, night and day.
But when we live in a culture where masculinity is valued much more highly than femininity, as women, it’s easy to forget about our feminine side.
Because of this imbalance in the culture, women can often become disconnected from their feminine energy and power.
Many women spend their entire lives trying to balance the masculine energy (assertiveness, action) with the feminine energy (nurturing, receptivity, emotionality).
But they forget to bring in their divine feminine energy.
If we want to genuinely empower women, we need to reconnect to the divine feminine energy that is an essential part of our being.
What is divine feminine energy?
Divine feminine energy is that unique energy that exists within each woman.
It is the part of your soul’s code that makes you feminine, and it is made up of qualities like intuition, receptivity, emotionality, creativity, and the ability to create life.
This energy is nothing to be afraid of; it’s something beautiful and natural.
The divine feminine energy is the ability to receive; it allows you to be open and receptive. It’s intuitive, magnetic, and draws people in.
When your divine feminine energy is strong, you are creative, intuitive, empathetic, open, loving, and nurturing, and you’re able to tap into deep inner wisdom.
What does it mean to tap into your divine feminine?
Tapping into your divine feminine energy means that you are allowing your feminine energy to lead the way.
It means that instead of trying to act like a man or suppress certain qualities for fear of being called a stereotypical “girl,” you are embracing the true essence of what it means to be a woman.
It’s about living from your soul’s code – being your true self.
It’s about being intuitive, feeling your emotions, living in the moment, being open to new opportunities, and trusting your inner wisdom.
It’s about being in touch with your ability to create life, your inherent gift for nurturing others, and your ability to find joy in the small things.
In other words, tapping into your divine feminine energy means that you have allowed yourself to live from your soul.
Why should we embrace our divine feminine energy?
We should embrace our divine feminine energy for several reasons.
First, by embracing your divine feminine, you will be able to find inner peace through the heart.
You will be able to tap into deep inner wisdom and receive guidance from your soul.
You will also be able to connect more deeply with your intuition and the world around you.
And finally, embracing your divine feminine energy will allow you to experience more love in your life.
How to tap into your divine feminine energy
1. Feel your emotions
Women are often told that they are “too emotional” or that they “need to get control” of their emotions.
But the truth is that embracing your emotions and allowing yourself to feel them fully is part of tapping into your divine feminine energy.
Your emotions are powerful tools that can help you live a fulfilling life.
So instead of blocking them, learn to listen to what they are trying to tell you.
If you’re feeling an emotion that isn’t serving you or is making your life difficult, take the time to be still and acknowledge it.
Let yourself feel the emotion and express it (if you’re able to).
Accept that these emotions exist and aren’t going away, and try to see what message they’re trying to bring you.
2. Embrace rest
We live in a world where working and grinding are seen as a good thing, where the harder you work, the more successful you become.
But this isn’t necessarily true.
You need to embrace rest and allow yourself to be still.
Rest is just as important as working, if not more so.
After all, how can you create new opportunities if you’re working all the time and are stressed out?
So make sure you create spaces in your life where you don’t do anything.
Allow yourself to rest, recharge, and slow down.
Take time out of your day to meditate, spend some time in nature, practice yoga, or have a self-care day.
3. Journal
Journaling is an amazing way to tap into your divine feminine energy.
When you write down your thoughts and feelings – the good, the bad, and the ugly – it helps you process them.
It helps you look at them from a different perspective, see what really matters to you, and come to your own conclusions.
When you journal, you become more self-aware and can better tune in to what’s going on in your mind.
You become more intuitive and are better able to come up with new ideas and opportunities for yourself.
4. Practice self-love
So many women have a negative relationship with themselves.
They don’t love themselves, they put themselves down, and they spend hours criticizing their bodies and their personality.
This isn’t healthy.
Tapping into your divine feminine energy means treating yourself with love, kindness, and respect.
And this means that you need to stop hating yourself and start appreciating who you truly are.
Spend time with yourself; learn to love, accept, and nurture yourself.
Look in the mirror every day and smile at the person you see – you’ll be amazed by how it changes your perspective and improves your self-esteem.
5. Connect with nature
Connecting with nature is incredibly important for tapping into your divine feminine energy.
Nature has a way of calming you down and helping you to feel at peace with the world.
Take time out of your day to go outside and be in nature; you’ll feel so much better afterward!
Spend time in your garden, sit by the ocean or a river, hike through the mountains, or take a walk in the woods.
Just be in the company of nature, and feel your stress and anxiety melt away.
6. Empower other women
Many women are raised to think that they need to compete with other women.
But the truth is that there’s enough success, love, and happiness for everyone.
If you step aside and empower other women, you’ll be surprised by how much it improves your life.
Think of other women as your allies and treat them with kindness and respect.
Seek opportunities to help other women; if you see another woman struggling, step up and offer your assistance.
When you support other women, you’ll find that they do the same for you.
7. Tap into your intuition
Intuition is incredibly important for tapping into your divine feminine energy.
Intuition is the voice within you that tells you what to do.
The gut feeling lets you know what path to take in life, which you can trust, and if someone is lying to you.
But many women ignore their intuition and choose to ignore that inner voice.
Instead, they allow themselves to become distracted and swept up in the noise of everyday life.
To tap into your divine feminine energy, you must learn to trust your intuition.
So many things in life are uncertain, so you must learn how to follow your heart and live according to your intuition.
Final thoughts
Women should work to tap into their divine feminine energy to better themselves and the world around them.
This means practicing self-love, connecting with nature, empowering other women, tapping into your intuition, and journaling, among many other things that will help you take care of yourself while also doing good for others.
It’s time to stop treating yourself like you don’t matter and start living like you’re worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
You are amazing, and you have the power to change your life for the better.
Tap into your divine feminine energy so that you can step into your power and start making the world a better place.