Looking to attract your desires using the whisper manifestation method? Our article will teach you step-by-step how to use the whisper technique to manifest your desires. Let’s dive in!
What Is The Whisper Method?
The whisper method is a manifestation technique that involves visualizing your goal and whispering your desire into the ear of the person you want to influence.
This technique is grounded in the law of attraction, which posits that like attracts like. By visualizing and whispering your desire, you’re sending a potent vibration into the universe.
The whisper method is an excellent tool for attracting anything you desire – be it love, success, money, or anything else. Its ease of use makes it a go-to manifestation method.
6 Steps to Using The Whisper Manifestation Method
1. Identify Your Manifestation Goal
Start by determining what you want to manifest. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs send energy into the universe, attracting corresponding outcomes. This is why it’s important to know what you want to attract.
I usually start by asking myself some questions and writing down the answer to each, such as:
- What do I truly desire?
- What can I envision myself doing, being, and having?
- What does my ideal reality look like?
- Who is involved in this manifestation?
2. Understand Your ‘Why”
Your ‘why’ is your motivation goal; it’s the driving force that keeps you focused and committed to your manifestation journey. Understanding your ‘why’ helps you maintain your intention and aligns your energy with your goal.
Again, if you’re having some trouble figuring out your intention behind this desire, you want to ask yourself the questions below:
- Why do I want to manifest this goal?
- How will achieving this goal impact my life?
- What positive changes will come from manifesting this desire?
Bear in mind your ‘why’ should be meaningful and positive, resonating with your core values and aspirations.
3. Identify the Person Involved
The whisper method involves visualizing whispering your desire to a specific person. This person should be someone who is directly related to your desire.
To help you paint a clearer image of who you want this person to be, I recommend asking yourself:
- Who is the person that this manifestation involves?
- How do they relate to my desire?
- What role do they play in achieving my goal?
For instance, if you’re aiming for a promotion, the person could be your boss. If you’re manifesting a romantic relationship, it could be a specific person you’re interested in.
4. Write Down Your Desire
Make your goal more tangible by writing it down. For the whisper method, write your desire in a third-person perspective, using your name and keeping it positive.
Let me give you an example so you can see exactly what I mean.
If you want to manifest an ex reaching out to you, you would write down something like “call your name and tell them how much you miss them.”
Here are a few more example templates to help you:
- “your name is amazing at her job. Give her a pay rise”.
- Tell your name that you want to go on a date”.
- “your name did great at her interview. Offer her/him the job”.
- “your name is fun to be with. Invite them for a coffee date.”
5. Whisper Your Desire
Now, it’s time to whisper your desire into the universe. This is probably the most important step in the whole process, and here’s how to do it:
- Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Once your body is relaxed, relax your mind by focusing on your breath and letting go of any thoughts in your head.
- Imagine yourself in a white room with just you and the person who you want to receive your whisper.
- Approach this person and gently place your hand on their shoulder, and begin to whisper into their ear – you should whisper your desired message we spent time crafting in step 4.
- As you are whispering, actually hear yourself saying the words out loud in your mind and watch as they hear it. Feel the emotions involved in your desire as you whisper into their ear. Whisper your desire clearly and with conviction – make sure they can hear every word you say.
- Open your eyes and return to reality when you feel the message has been delivered.
I want you to spend at least 5 minutes doing this exercise, repeating the process as often as you feel necessary. You can do this exercise as often as you like – the more you do it, the more likely your desire will manifest. Just ensure you keep the message you whisper the same each time.
Discover how to make your dreams a reality with these effective visualization techniques for manifestation.
6. Release Attachment
The final step is to release your desire to the universe and trust it will manifest. How do you let go? It’s simple – you stop thinking about it. You stop worrying and stressing about whether or not it will come to you. You let go of the need to control the situation and trust that the universe will take care of it.
And then, you take inspired action. You don’t just sit around and wait for your desire to manifest – take action that aligns with your goal. For example, if you’re manifesting a new job, update your resume and apply for positions. If it’s a relationship, go out on dates. Act from a place of alignment and trust.
Avoid These Things When Using This Technique
- Don’t Overthink: Overthinking can lead to self-doubt and hinder your manifestation power. Instead, relax and trust the universe.
- Don’t Be Attached to the Outcome: Detach yourself from the outcome and trust that everything will work out. Attachment can create resistance and doubt, blocking your manifestation.
- Don’t Compare Yourself to Others: Comparison can steal your joy. Focus on your own journey and trust that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Take Action: The whisper method is powerful, but action is also necessary. If you want a new job, start applying. If you want a new relationship, start dating. The universe will guide you and provide opportunities to manifest your desire.
“Why Isn’t The Whisper Method Working For Me?”
I understand that it can be disheartening when you’re putting in the effort and not seeing the results you desire. The whisper method, like any manifestation technique, isn’t a guaranteed ticket to your dreams. It’s a tool that helps align your energy with your desires, but it doesn’t override the natural course of life.
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don’t work out the way we want them to. It’s important to remember that this doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It could simply mean that what you’re trying to manifest isn’t in your best interest or isn’t meant to be. The universe often has a bigger plan for us, and sometimes, it means redirecting us to something even better. Keep the faith, stay positive, and continue to work towards your goals.
Final Thoughts
The whisper method is a potent tool for manifesting your desires. It involves clarity in goals, understanding motivations, visualization, and action. Remember to trust the process, maintain positivity, and be patient. If things don’t work out as planned, it could be the universe guiding you toward something even better. Keep practicing and stay positive. Happy manifesting!