You’ve probably heard the word NPC thrown around a lot lately. You might have even seen videos on TikTok of a theory called the “NPC theory”. The NPC conspiracy theory is the belief that a lot of people are not really people, but rather they are non-playable characters (NPCs). This theory has been gaining a …
We’ve all been there before: we want something badly, whether it’s a new job, a new house, or a new relationship. But somehow, despite our best efforts, we just can’t seem to make it happen. What’s going on? Well, resistance might be the culprit. Resistance is that nagging feeling that you’re not good enough, that …
It’s no secret that we’re living in challenging times. These days, it seems like there’s another headline about some global crisis or natural disaster almost every day. While it can be easy to become discouraged and bogged down by all the negative news, it’s more important than ever to stay positive and raise our spiritual …
Have you ever met a child who just seemed different than other children their age? Maybe they were unusually mature for their years or exceptionally insightful and intuitive. Chances are, you’ve met an Indigo Child. Indigos are unique souls who often incarnate into young bodies, bearing the traits of old souls. Here are 9 traits …
Are you feeling like an outsider? Do you often feel like you don’t quite fit in with this world? If so, you might be a starseed. Starseeds are people who have come from other worlds to help us here on Earth. There are many signs that can indicate that you are a starseed, and in …
Most of us have experienced guidance from a spiritual source at one point or another. Whether we realize it or not, these guides are always with us, offering us wisdom and guidance when we need it most. But what exactly are spiritual guides? And how can we connect with them? What are spiritual guides, and …
Despite what society tries to tell us, there is no single blueprint to a perfect life. Every person on this earth experiences unique challenges and blessings that shape who they are. However, there are some universal truths that can help us live with more authenticity and joy, regardless of our situation. Below are 1- life-changing …
We all have moments in our lives when we feel like we’re on an upward trajectory. We suddenly become more aware of the world around us and what’s happening spiritually. Our intuition seems to be on high alert, and we are more open to new insights and perspectives than ever before. We may even begin …
We all have moments where we feel stuck. Everything feels like it’s going wrong, and we don’t know how to make things better. During these times, it can be helpful to turn to mantras for guidance and support. Mantras are short statements or phrases that you repeat to yourself to shift your perspective and improve …
Let’s be honest: we’re all attachment junkies to some degree. We’ve become so accustomed to attaching our happiness to external things that we don’t even realize we’re doing it half the time. But the good news is, there’s a way out of this sticky situation. The law of detachment, also known as non-attachment, is a …