We’ve all been there before: we want something badly, whether it’s a new job, a new house, or a new relationship.
But somehow, despite our best efforts, we just can’t seem to make it happen.
What’s going on?
Well, resistance might be the culprit.
Resistance is that nagging feeling that you’re not good enough, that you’ll never achieve your goal, or that you don’t deserve what you want.
It’s a form of self-sabotage that can prevent you from taking the actions needed to make your dreams a reality.
So how do you release resistance and finally attract what you want?
Let’s dive into it!
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What is resistance, and why do we experience it?
Resistance is that little voice inside your head that tells you that you can’t, you shouldn’t, or you’re not good enough.
It’s the self-doubt that pops up just when you’re about to take a risk or step outside of your comfort zone.
When you’re faced with a new challenge, resistance is the part of you that wants to play it safe and stay where you are.
In some cases, resistance can be helpful.
It can prevent us from making impulsive decisions or taking unnecessary risks.
But when it comes to attracting what we want in life, resistance is our worst enemy.
Because resistance blocks us from receiving the very thing we’re trying to attract.
Everyone experiences resistance for different reasons, but there are two main reasons why we resist: fear and doubt.
Fear is the feeling that we’re not good enough or that we’ll fail.
We resist out of fear of the unknown or of making a mistake.
Doubt is the belief that we can’t have what we want or are not worthy of it.
We resist out of doubt that we can actually achieve our goals or that what we want is even possible.
Both fear and doubt can be paralyzing, keeping us stuck in a cycle of inaction.
How does resistance keep us stuck in our lives?
Resistance keeps us from taking action toward our goals because we’re afraid of what might happen if we fail.
It’s the voice that tells us we’re not good enough or can’t do it.
When we listen to resistance, we stay in our comfort zones where it’s safe, and nothing ever changes.
We don’t step outside our comfort zones because we’re afraid of what might happen if we do.
We don’t take risks because we’re afraid of failing.
But here’s the thing: if we don’t take risks, we’ll never achieve our goals.
We’ll never grow or change if we don’t step outside our comfort zones.
How to release resistance so you can attract what you want
1. Acknowledge your resistance
We all have resistance to something- whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or a new challenge.
The first step is to simply acknowledge that you have resistance.
When you do this, you can start to become aware of the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.
Ask yourself: what am I resisting?
What is the voice inside my head saying?
What am I afraid of?
Once you’ve identified the source of your resistance, you can start to work through it.
Instead of working against your resistance, work with it.
2. Ask for spiritual guidance
Our guides are always with us, even if we can’t see them.
All we have to do is ask them for help, and they will be more than happy to provide it.
The best way to ask for guidance is simply to state your intention aloud.
For example, you might say, “I intend to release all resistance so that I can attract what I want.”
Then, ask your guides to show you the way.
They may not appear to you in a physical form, but you will receive guidance in the form of thoughts, feelings, or ideas.
Just be open to receiving it, and trust that it will come.
3. Let go of judgment
This is a big one.
When we’re resistant to something, we tend to judge it – and ourselves for wanting it.
We might think that we’re not good enough or that we don’t deserve it.
This type of thinking only creates more resistance.
Instead, try to let go of judgment.
Allow yourself to want what you want, and don’t beat yourself up for it.
You can remind yourself that it’s okay to want what you want and that you’re worthy of achieving it.
Judgment only creates more resistance, so let it go.
4. Know that you’re worthy
This goes hand-in-hand with letting go of judgment.
The resistance will start to dissipate when you know that you’re worthy of what you want.
You can remind yourself that you’re worthy by repeating positive affirmations, such as “I am worthy of love” or “I am worthy of success.”
The more you repeat these affirmations, the more they will become true for you.
5. Be patient with yourself
Releasing resistance can be a process, and it might not happen overnight.
Be patient with yourself, and trust that the resistance will start to dissipate.
If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a step back and remind yourself that this is a process.
Allow yourself the time and space to work through your resistance, and trust that it will eventually be gone.
Final thoughts
Resistance is a normal part of the human experience, but it doesn’t have to control your life.
By acknowledging your resistance, asking for guidance, and letting go of judgment, you can start to release resistance and attract what you want.
Be patient with yourself, and trust that the process will work.
You are worthy of achieving your goals, and your guides are here to help you.
Thanks for reading!