You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about the “laws of attraction” and how they can help you manifest the life of your dreams.
But did you know that there are actually 12 universal laws that govern everything in our lives?
These laws are always operating, whether we’re aware of them or not.
And understanding how they work can help us use them to our advantage so that we can create the life we want.
What are the 12 universal laws?
The 12 universal laws are a set of principles that can help you create the life you want.
These laws are based on the belief that we are all connected and are connected to the Universe as a whole.
We can hop on the highway to success and happiness by aligning ourselves with these laws.
So, what are these magical laws?:
1. Law of Divine Oneness
The first of the 12 universal laws is the Law of Divine Oneness.
This law states that we are all connected to one another and everything else in the Universe.
We are all made of the same energy, all connected to the same source.
How to use it:
You can apply this law by recognizing and reminding yourself that we are all connected.
We are all in this together, and what we do to others, we do to ourselves.
When you see someone in need, lend a helping hand.
When you feel anger or hatred towards someone, try to understand their perspective and have compassion.
You can also ask yourself questions like, “How can I be of service to others?” and “What can I do to make the world a better place?”
2. Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe is vibrating at a certain frequency.
And, like attracts like.
So, if you’re vibrating at a high frequency, you will attract things (and people) into your life that are also vibrating at a high frequency.
On the other hand, if you’re vibrating at a low frequency, you will attract things (and people) into your life that are also vibrating at a low frequency.
How to use it:
Using this law can be as simple as becoming more aware of your thoughts and emotions.
If you want to attract positive things into your life, make sure that your thoughts and emotions are positive.
Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.
You can raise your vibration by meditating, being grateful, and spending time in nature.
And, as always, take action towards your goals.
3. Law of Correspondence
The Law of Correspondence is often summed up with the phrase “as above, so below.”
This law states that the Universe is fundamentally orderly and that what we see in our physical reality reflects larger patterns and processes.
This law helps to explain why some people seem to attract good luck or success while others experience chronic misfortune.
According to the Law of Correspondence, our thoughts, emotions, and actions create ripples that extend out into the Universe.
Over time, these ripples come back to us, shaping our reality in accordance with our innermost beliefs.
In other words, we tend to get what we expect out of life.
How to use it:
You can use the Law of Correspondence by changing your innermost beliefs about yourself and the world around you.
Remind yourself that everything you experience, good or bad, is happening for your benefit.
There is something to be learned from every situation, even if it’s just a lesson in patience or perseverance.
4. Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is probably the most well-known of the 12 universal laws.
This law states that “like attracts like.”
In other words, whatever thoughts and emotions you focus on will be attracted to you.
If you focus on positive thoughts and emotions, you will attract positive experiences into your life.
On the other hand, if you focus on negative thoughts and emotions, you will attract negative experiences.
The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool that can help you to create the life of your dreams.
You need to focus on what you want, and the Universe will provide it.
How to use it:
To use the Law of Attraction, start by taking inventory of your thoughts and emotions.
Are they positive or negative?
Are you constantly focused on the negativity in your life, or are you grateful for the good that you have?
Once you identify any negative patterns, make a conscious effort to change them.
You can use positive affirmations, journaling, visualization, and meditation to help you shift your focus to what you want.
Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, and see how your life changes.
5. Law of Inspired Action
The Law of Inspired Action states that to manifest your desires, you must take action.
This may seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that inaction will never lead to manifestation.
The Universe doesn’t work like a genie in a lamp – you can’t just sit around and wait for your wishes to come true.
You have to put in the work.
But here’s the good news: taking inspired action is a lot easier than it sounds.
When you’re inspired to take action, you’re in alignment with your desires.
Your actions will feel natural and effortless, leading you closer to your goals.
How to use it:
To take inspired action, start by getting clear on what you want.
What are your goals and dreams?
What would your ideal life look like?
Once you have a good understanding of what you want, start paying attention to your intuition.
What is it telling you to do?
What feels right?
Follow your heart, and take action accordingly.
6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
The 6th universal law is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.
This law states that all matter and energy are in a constant state of transformation.
All energy is constantly moving and changing form.
Nothing is ever truly “stuck.”
This law helps us understand that everything is connected and that change is always possible.
So, if we don’t like something in our lives, we can change it.
We have the power to create our own reality through our thoughts, words, and actions.
The only thing that is truly permanent is change itself.
How to use it:
To use the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, start by identifying any areas of your life that you would like to change.
Maybe you want to manifest more money, or you want to find your dream job.
Whatever it is, get clear on what you want.
Then, start taking action towards your goals.
Every time you take a step forward, you are moving closer to your desires, no matter how small.
Remember, all energy is constantly moving and changing form, so nothing is ever truly “stuck.”
If you don’t like something in your life, you have the power to change it.
7. Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect is perhaps the most important universal law.
It states that nothing happens by chance or outside of the natural order of things.
Everything happens for a reason, and there is always a cause for every effect.
This law is also known as the Law of Karma, and it teaches us that our actions have consequences.
If we choose to act with love and compassion, we will experience more love and compassion in our lives.
If we choose to act with hatred and anger, we will experience more hatred and anger in our lives.
The Law of Cause and Effect is a powerful reminder that we are responsible for our own happiness or unhappiness.
We create our own reality through our thoughts, words, and deeds.
How to use it:
To use the Law of Cause and Effect, start by paying attention to your thoughts and actions.
Are you constantly being a bad person?
Do you treat others with disrespect?
If so, you’re likely causing negative effects in your life.
To create positive change, start by changing your thoughts and actions.
Choose to act with love and compassion and see how your life changes.
8. Law of Compensation
The Law of Compensation is often referred to as the “Law of Reaping and Sowing.”
This Universal Law stipulates that we will receive back from the Universe what we put out.
In other words, what goes around comes around.
If we give out positive energy, we will receive positive energy.
If we give out negative energy, we will receive negative energy.
The Law of Compensation ensures that nothing in the Universe is ever “out of balance.”
Whatever we put out into the Universe will come back to us in one way or another.
This is why it’s so important to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and deeds.
The better we treat others, the better they will treat us.
How to use it:
To use the Law of Compensation, make sure that your thoughts, words, and actions align with what you want to receive back from the Universe.
If you want more love in your life, start by giving more love.
If you want more money, start by being generous with your time and resources.
Remember, whatever you put out into the Universe will come back to you in one way or another.
9. Law of Relativity
The Law of Relativity is one of the most important Universal Laws.
It teaches us that everything is relative; in other words, there is no such thing as absolute truth.
What is true for one person may not be true for another.
This law also teaches us that our perception creates our reality.
How we see the world is how the world will appear to us.
If we see the world as a positive and friendly place, that is what we will experience.
If we see the world as a negative and hostile place, that is what we will experience.
How to use it:
To use the Law of Relativity, pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs.
Do you see the world as a friendly place?
Or do you see the world as a hostile place?
Your answer will determine your experience of the world.
If you want to change your reality, start changing your thoughts and beliefs.
Choose to see the world as a friendly place, and you will experience more happiness and success.
10. Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity teaches us that everything has an opposite.
For every light, there is a dark; for every up, there is a down, and for every left, there is a right.
This law also teaches us that everything is connected.
Even though opposites may seem different, they are actually two sides of the same coin.
How to use it:
If you’re going through a tough time, remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
No matter how bad things may seem, they will eventually get better.
Try to see the other perspective in every situation.
For every problem, there is a solution.
For every negative emotion, there is a positive emotion.
By understanding and using the Law of Polarity, you can create more balance and harmony in your life.
11. Law of Rhythm
The 11th Universal Law is the Law of Rhythm.
Just as everything in nature ebbs and flows, so does our life experience.
There are times when we feel on top of the world, and everything is going our way.
And there are other times when it feels like we’re stuck in a rut, and nothing seems to be going right.
But just as night always follows day, so will the good times follow the bad.
This is the natural rhythm of life, and it applies to everyone – without exception.
How to use it:
Remember that this is only temporary the next time you’re feeling down.
The bad times will eventually give way to the good times.
And the good times will ultimately give way to the bad.
This is the natural rhythm of life.
All you can do is ride it out and enjoy the good times while they last.
12. Law of Gender
The 12th and final Universal Law is the Law of Gender.
This law teaches us that everything has a masculine and feminine aspect.
Everything in the Universe is made up of both masculine and feminine energy.
The Sun is masculine, while the Moon is feminine.
Fire is masculine, while water is feminine.
The law of gender also applies to human beings.
We all have both masculine and feminine energy within us, and we can use both types of energy to create what we desire.
How to use it:
If you want to create something in your life, start by using both your masculine and feminine energy.
Think about what you want to create, and then take action.
Be assertive and go after what you want, and be receptive and open to new possibilities.
Using both your masculine and feminine energy can create anything you desire.
Final thoughts
The Universal Laws are powerful tools that can help you create the life you want.
But they are just that – tools.
It’s up to you to use them to create the life you desire.
So what are you waiting for?
Start using the Universal Laws today and see how they can transform your life.