It can be difficult to let go of someone you love and move on.
Maybe you broke up with a significant other, or perhaps you had a falling out with a friend.
Whatever might have happened, sitting there and believing that they don’t miss you is a waste of your time and energy.
This causes you to be unhappy and stuck in negative energy.
If you really want to make someone miss you, you need to embrace how good it feels to be missed.
By encouraging positive feelings, you will be able to manifest the desired result.
Here are 4 steps to manifesting someone to miss you.
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How to manifest someone to miss you
1. Know exactly why you want them to miss you
The first step of manifesting someone to miss you is to know exactly why you want them to miss you.
The key to manifesting anything is to be clear about what you want.
Being as clear as possible helps to focus your mind and energy on what you want.
The best way to do this is by using a manifestation journal.
Take your manifestation journal and write down the name of the person who you want to miss you.
Then write down in detail about how they miss you.
As you write, ask yourself questions such as:
- How would they miss me?
- What are the reasons that they miss me?
- How do they feel inside when they miss me?
Describe your ideal scenario of how you want them to miss you.
By asking yourself these questions, you uncover why they should miss you and put out the correct energy and vibration.
2. Be clear about why you want them to miss you
The second step of manifesting someone to miss you is clarifying why you want them to miss you.
Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are all energy, and similar energy is attracted to each other.
By aligning your energy with what you want to manifest, you project a clear signal to the universe.
You can help yourself identity exactly why you want them to miss you by asking yourself these questions:
- Why do I want them to miss me?
- How does it feel for them when they miss me?
- What kind of thoughts go through their mind when they miss me?
It’s important to root why you want someone to miss you in positive emotions because then you will manifest the best possible outcome.
You will only manifest a negative outcome if you want them to miss you for negative emotions such as jealousy or fear of being alone.
3. Visualize them missing you
The third step of manifesting someone to miss you is visualizing them missing you.
Visualization is a key part of manifesting because it helps project your thoughts, feelings, and emotions out into the universe.
By visualizing this person missing you, you are sending a clear message to the universe that you want them to miss you.
The best way to visualize is by closing your eyes and stilling your mind.
Then imagine that person missing you.
Imagine how it feels to be missed by them.
How does their voice sound?
What expressions do they make when they miss you?
Visualize the feeling it gives to be missed by this person.
Feel the emotions attached to the thought of them missing you and the thought of you both reconnecting.
By doing this, you are helping yourself make your thoughts, feelings, and emotions into direct energy that goes out to the universe.
4. Suffender yourself to the universe
The fourth and final step of manifesting someone to miss you is to surrender yourself to the universe.
The universe always has your back, and it will deliver what you want to you.
However, you must be willing to receive it.
If you are attached to the outcome or feel that it has to turn out a certain way, you resist the inevitable.
If you resist the universe, it will push back and manifest it to you differently.
To avoid this, you need to let go of the outcome and surrender yourself to the universe.
By trusting yourself, your ability, and the universe to manifest your desires, you will manifest exactly what you want.
Final thoughts
Manifesting is a powerful tool for attracting what you want in life.
Once you know how to manifest someone to miss you, you will attract your ideal relationships into your life.
It takes practice and skill to master the art of manifesting, but it is worth it in the end.
The more you practice, the stronger your manifesting abilities will become.
Manifest what you want and watch as it comes to life in front of your eyes!